Alors on Danse - Line 16
In this page, you will walk through the entire RPT process for line 16 of Alors on Danse.
In the track below, I chant the URB of line 16 repeatedly.
- Listen through one time to familiarize yourself with the rhythm.
- Play again and chant along with me.
- Do not move on until you can chant the entire Line 16 URB from memory without the aid of the audio.
In the tracks below, I articulate each syllable of each section.
- Listen closely and mimic my pronunciation exactly.
- If you are unsure about a symbol, review it in the Phonetic Notation Key.
- Do not move on until you are comfortable articulating each sound.
In the tracks below, I combine the rhythm and syllables to construct the full lyric.
- Listen closely and repeat after me in the time allotted to you. Sometimes I will cue you in with the word "Go!"
- Do not worry about saying a syllable wrong, you will have plenty of opportunities. What's most important is that you stick to the beat.
- Do not move on until you are comfortable chanting each section from memory.
Line 16A |
Line 16B |
The track below replays a reduced speed version of line 16 on loop several times.
- Press play and sing along with the audio repeatedly until the end of the track.
- Once the track is finished, try to recall the lyrics from memory and sing out loud without the audio aid.
- Do not move on until you are able to sing the line correctly without the audio aid 5 times in a row.
Once you are comfortable with Lines 13 - 16, you may move on to Memorization.